Jul 10 2012

DIY Gold Borders for your Wedding Invitations

When you order your wedding invitations they may come to you looking something like this . . .


As pretty as these invitations are here’s a way you can jazz things up a bit.  Add a simple gold border in a matter of minutes.
All you need is a ruler and a gold paint pen – it’s really that simple.



This project is so easy it doesn’t even need an explanation but just incase follow the steps below.

1. Use your ruler to measure about 1/8 inch in from the edge of your paper.
2. Draw a line with your gold paint pen
3. Repeat on all sides

I like my border close to the edge of the paper but you can do your border as far in as you like. Even try a double border. How pretty would that be!


YES I even did the border around the envelope! OH SWEET! This project literally took me about 1 minute for all 3 items. It’s much faster then you may think, do a few invites a night and you’ll be done in no time.

The post DIY Gold Borders for your Wedding Invitations appeared first on Smitten on Paper.

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